I flashed my newly arrived Athom Smart Plugs V2 (Swiss Plug) from Tasmota to ESPHome via the instructions given but forgot to set SetOption78 1 but was still able to flash ESP8266_MINI.bin. After that, i was able to connect to the plug using the IP-Adress given to it by the router. Then i created a conifg in ESPHome, downloaded the bin and flashed the same image onto all four plugs. (A mistake, i guess) The first one is working fine, the other three seem to connect to the wifi (as they are given an IP-Adress) but i can't connect to them in any way (IP Adress in chrome gives back 'Connection Refused', SSH or Telnet is also refused). How can i recover the plugs?
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Smart Plug V2 connects to Wifi but is inaccessible
Smart Plug V2 connects to Wifi but is inaccessible
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Dear Athom Support Any help would be appricieated. I can see that the Plugs are on my network since i can ping them, but i can't access the web interface. Is there any way to reset these plugs to factory default?